Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Japanese phrases at meal time

go-chiso^ sama deshita 御ちそうさまでした

The thing to say after partaking of a hearty Japanese feast in gratitude showing your thanks. It is a custom in Japan grounded in buddhist tradition, that after every meal the partaker of that meal should say go-chiso^ sama deshita 御ちそうさまでした. It should be considered mandatory to outsiders that it is necessary to say this after a meal. Perhaps to say the least. It most likely would show a host family in Japan rude manners, uncultured. So make it a point to say go-chiso^ sama deshita 御ちそうさまでしたafter every meal eaten in Japan, whether or not anybody is there.

Japanese adverbs

Some Japanese adverbs

jissai ni 実際に- actually
omo ni 主に- mostly
seishinsei de 聖心精で - sincerely
kataku 堅く- firmly
majime 真面目(ni)- serious(ly)
rikoteki利己的 - selfish
kicho^ na 貴重- precious

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Command Form Basic Japanese Grammar

http://feeds.feedburner.com/ Japanetics-DynamicJapaneseLanguageLearning

Basic Japanese Grammar Crash Course
Accelerated Japanese Mastery
Base II + NASAI なさい – Lesser command form
To boss people around, or tell people what to do, commanding them in Japanese you will need to know this Japanese Grammar construction:

Verb (base II) + NASAI なさい - Do verb! Command form.


1.Suwarinasai! 坐りなさい!
“Take your seat!”
a.Suwaru 座る - v. to sit down
b.suwaru 座るin base II is suwari 坐り
c.suwari坐り + nasai なさい = suwarinasai坐りなさい Sit!

2.Shukudai o shinasai! 宿題をしなさい
“Do your homework!”
a.suruする – v. to do
b.suru in base II = shiし
c.shiし + nasaiなさい = shinasaiしなさい “DO IT!”

3.Ikinasai! 行きなさい
a.iku 行く– v . to go
b.iku 行くin base II is iki 行き
c.iki行き + nasaiなさい = ikinasai行きなさい “GO!”

Plug in your favorite Japanese verbs into this Japanese Grammar Construction and start making your own cool sentences then test them on your Japanese friends.

As always,
Ganbatte Ne! 頑張ってね
Do Your Best!
Makurasuki まくらすき